The steps to certify devices are simple!
  1. Join the FiRa Consortium!
  2. Submit the following information to the FiRa Certification Body via the members-only Certification Management System (CMS)
  3. Send your device to the selected ATL for certification testing. Based on the FiRa Device Certification Process, the ATL will execute the required certification testing. (The cost of certification testing is between the ATL and you. It is not the responsibility of FiRa to engage in business relationship issues between the ATL and you.)
  4. The test results are provided to FiRa. 
  5. If the device passes conformance testing, the FiRa member:
    • Pays the device certification listing fee to FiRa as follows:

      Initial Tested DeviceUSD 2,500.00
      Rebranded DeviceUSD 1,000.00
      Variant DeviceUSD 1,000.00
      Device Using a Certified ModuleUSD 1,000.00
      RecertificationUSD 1,000.00
    • Receives a Certificate of Conformance
    • Can promote certification by using the FiRa Certified logo according to the FiRa Brand Guidelines and with an executed FiRa Certification Mark License Agreement in place
    • May authorize FiRa to add information on the certified device(s) to the FiRa website

If the device does not pass conformance testing, a Certificate of Conformance will not be issued and the device cannot be marketed as FiRa Certified.  The FiRa member has the option to address the device failure(s) and resubmit the device to the ATL for retesting. 

To learn more about this process, FiRa members may refer to the FiRa Consortium Device Certification Process.  For assistance, contact